Artificial IntelligenceArtificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence

Build intuitive experiences that push the
boundaries of Artificial Intelligence

AI SpecialistsAI Specialists Accelerated ResultsAccelerated Results

Build Smarter

Advantages of using AI

Our impactful AI solutions transform your business with competitive, customer intuitive technology


Greater Automation

Revolutionize systems to accommodate the future.


Greater Security

Guaranteed growth with cutting-edge technology.


Greater Efficieny

Streamline processes and boost synergy.


Greater Productivity

Intuitive applications for exceptional results.

AI solutions for your business

We apply intelligent technology to deliver deeply relevant solutions that empower people

Machine Learning

Our self-sustaining systems learn and improve solely through pattern recognition and data analysis.

  • data, text and image classification
  • logistics optimization
  • fraud detection
  • financial planning
Deep Learning

Inspired by the complexity of the human brain, we develop algorithms that learn and grow independently.

  • risks prediction
  • recommender systems
  • image restoration
Natural Learning Processing

Our intelligent applications are capable of interpreting and analyzing spoken language and speech.

  • machine translation
  • mood analysis in social networks
  • customers feedback & reaction analysis
  • spam detection
Computer Vision

We create artificial systems that recognize and process visual data, delivering augmented analysis and results.

  • image processing
  • video processing
  • text recognition
  • pattern and object recognition
Dialogue Systems

Driving human-machine conversations, our language-simulation systems are designed to understand and respond to human speech.

  • chatbots
  • virtual assistants
Speech Processing

We develop processes that translate spoken phrases into digital commands, transforming voice-control applications.

  • speech recognition
  • speech generation
  • subtitle generation

How intelligent development works

Our development process gives you the ability to build products that leverage artificial intelligence to better use your data


We analyze your business to find out which AI model can solve current problems, add value and improve performance.

InnoApps Requirements Management Plan
InnoApps Development Process Overview
Data Preparation

We extract, explore, visualize and transform data for use with AI algorithms. AI can analyse information, learn from it and make smart decisions based on previous experience.

InnoApps Data Collection
InnoApps Data Exploration & Cleanup
Feature Engineering

We transform data used on the previous step for the training and augment it with additional features. That makes machine learning algorithms work more effective.

InnoApps Feature Selection
InnoApps Normalization & Standartization
InnoApps Applying Domain Knowledge
Data Modeling

We create a custom AI model specifically for the engineering and needs of your enterprise. Then the system is trained to perform an analysis to create meaningful predictive models.

InnoApps Picking Learning Tasks
InnoApps Selecting Algorithms
InnoApps Cross-Validation

We integrate and maintain the AI model to the existing systems and processes of your business seamlessly.

InnoApps Deployment
InnoApps Maintenance

Leverage artificial intelligence in your products

Build Smarter